The Team
Şebnem Kabadayı
Şebnem Kabadayı
I am a very happy and proud member of SESIL PIR Consulting, whom I joined as an Assistant Manager in early 2016. My responsibilities include (but are far from limited to!) managing office activities, team calendar, events and all things site related. After graduating from Economics in my native Turkey, I spent a year in the United States working as a croupier on cruise ships before returning to Istanbul to work in a private bank as a business analyst. More recently I relocated to Basel with my husband and son. I love being in nature, which is blissfully unavoidable in Switzerland. Traveling — especially researching and planning — also brings me great joy. And I am a passionate follower of music concerts; in fact, my personal motto comes from a John Lennon lyric (written for his son): “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” Isn’t that so beautiful and true?

Hülya Akça
Hülya Akça
I am a designer, communicator and problem solver, based in Barcelona, Spain, who enjoys collaborating in multidisciplinary teams. What I Iove most about being a designer is learning about different professions through every new project that I am involved in. My experience working in Ankara, Munich, Seattle and Chicago has widened my horizons and made my approach to design more holistic. My goal is to understand my clients, share their enthusiasm and guide them through the design process, so the final product meets their business needs. I grew up in Marmaris, Turkey with the sweet scent of orange orchards and the salty breeze of the Aegean Sea.
Idit Kobrin
Idit Kobrin
I am a documentary storyteller who has a master’s degree in new media and 10 years of experience in photography, multimedia, and video production. Currently, I am combining my experience in documentary, photography, and communication, creating short web-based documentary stories for my clients to help connect them, in turn, with their clients, and promote their creative businesses through their unique stories. In addition, I am a freelance writer and photographer for various online media. I reside in Basel, Switzerland and am passionate about documentary movies, photography, hiking in nature, and good coffee.
Jochen Gsell
Jochen Gsell
My name may have German roots, but I was “made” in Switzerland, “grown” in Canada, and remain a student of life.
My passion for photography is not only about capturing a specific moment, but rather an art of expressing true beauty and the details life has to offer. I have been on an extraordinary path since starting my own business, Gsell Photography, in 2012.
My technical background, comprehensive business skill set, interpersonal youth commitment, as well as my creative and innovative abilities, have enabled me to advance in the world of photography.
The tranquility of the countryside and Lake District has drawn me back to my birthplace just outside of Frauenfeld, Switzerland. I am a passionate mentor, outdoorsman, and fusion cook. I perceive myself as a positive thinking, creative-minded, entrepreneurial, and solution- and customer-oriented individual.
One of my favorite quotes is, “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou